More Information About the Authors

For detailed information about the authors, see the About the Authors page.

We provide here the section from our preface that explains Why We Wrote This Book. At many of the classes we have taught about Enterprise and Solution Architecture, we have discussed broader concepts and additional issues that were not included in the slideware. Many of the attendees have urged us to writre a book that provided a more complete foundation for these concepts. We created a pilot course to explore these ideas and found that many of the topics warranted a much deeper exploration. This multi-year effort resulted in about 500 slides that captured the ideas and were designed to be highly scannable.

However, a detailed discussion of a given slide often would not fit in the notes, even on several hidden slides. We decided that a book that featured the same slides but also provided full descriptions would be more suitable to this audience. Each slide with bullets became Key Points. Most diagrams, tables, and checklists were a full slide and are thus reproduced as a separate page in the book. We chose the landscape orientation because almost all diagrams and tables as slides are better viewed in landscape mode. In addition, we have found that the eBook fits very well on tablets oriented in landscape mode.

We plan to have author interviews in the future.