Praise for The Strategic Enterprise Architect’s Dilemma

“I highly recommend this handbook for anyone interested in creating, building or evolving complex systems that can survive and thrive in our ever-changing environment.”

—Vik Muiznieks, Ph.D., Director of Enterprise Architecture, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

“The authors have created a unique and effective approach that emphasizes fitness for context, resulting in greater strategic contribution and value for enterprise architects."

—Dr. Peter Beijer, Chair of the Digital Architects NetWork

“The Strategic Enterprise Architect’s Dilemma is a thoroughly researched, well-written, practical and useful book that will certainly help a lot of practitioners struggling with this ‘now or later’ dilemma and want to apply architectural thinking to both long- and short-term change.”

—Roger Evernden, Enterprise Architect, author, and musician

“This is the book you need to have on your top shelf to understand, in practical terms, how to use Strategic Enterprise Architecture during these disruptive times.”

—Roberto Rivera, Architecture Capability and Profession Leader